Trusty URI logoTrusty URIs

Here you find general information and documents about the trusty URI approach.

The trusty URI specification formally defines the structure and meaning of trusty URIs.

Code and documentation for trusty URIs is hosted on GitHub.

The following articles introduce the trusty URI approach:

The slides for the talk at ESWC 2014 are also available.

Check out the wiki for posting your wish-list features, giving feedback, brainstorming, etc.


Generally, trusty URIs are URIs that contain a certain kind of hash value that can be used to verify the respective resource. This is an example of a trusty URI:

The last 45 characters of this URI (everything that comes after r1.) are the artifact code of the trusty URI. The first two characters of the artifact code (RA in this example) define the type and version of the module. (Only FA for plain file content and RA for sets of RDF graphs are supported at this point.) The remaining 43 characters are the actual hash value. This hash can be used to check the content of the resource this URI represents.


There are currently three (partial) implementations: